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Book Talk: The Four Eras of American Foreign Policy

Table of Contents

July 28, 2022

2:00 PM—3:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)


America’s role in the world has evolved from colony to superpower in its nearly 250 year history. What does this history tell us about America’s role in the world today and how it might change in the future?

Join Carnegie’s American Statecraft Program for a conversation with esteemed scholar Michael Mandelbaum on his new book, The Four Ages of American Foreign Policy, moderated by the director of Carnegie’s American Statecraft program, Chris Chivvis.

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VIDEO: The Four Ages of American Foreign Policy
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Article information

Author: David Pugh

Last Updated: 1703607962

Views: 1014

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Author information

Name: David Pugh

Birthday: 1941-05-31

Address: 2839 Sandoval Rapid, West Lisa, DC 97976

Phone: +3950182389494531

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Soccer, Chess, Singing, Running, Metalworking, Quilting, Scuba Diving

Introduction: My name is David Pugh, I am a frank, dazzling, clever, rich, accessible, radiant, courageous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.