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Does anyone have any predictions about the state of the world in 2100?

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VIDEO: No One Will Recognize the World by 2100

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  • By the 22nd century, humanity will have crossed a threshold regarding climate change.
  • Populations will cease to grow and achieve equilibrium.
  • Advanced technologies will revolutionize how people live, work, travel, and even think!

The 21st century may well be the most auspicious in human history. That may sound a tad dramatic, but it is likely no exaggeration. Between the threats of climate change, pandemics, human displacement, the challenges posed by accelerating technology, the fate of humanity will be determined.

In essence, what we do between now and the end of this century will likely determine the future of life on Earth (and possibly beyond!). Because of this, predicting the future has never been more important.

In essence, we need population projections and climate data that take into account various scenarios and changes over time. That way, we can plan how we will feed, house, clothe, and employ billions of people when the systems we depend on to do this are being disrupted.


Article information

Author: Cynthia Welch

Last Updated: 1703262722

Views: 1155

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (92 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Cynthia Welch

Birthday: 1961-09-10

Address: 5297 Sabrina Shores, North Robertomouth, NJ 12731

Phone: +4157777373327742

Job: Paramedic

Hobby: Knitting, Running, Reading, Beekeeping, Bird Watching, Baking, Archery

Introduction: My name is Cynthia Welch, I am a unreserved, Colorful, risk-taking, persistent, rich, variegated, accomplished person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.