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The Prince Rupert power outage has affected over 8,000 BC Hydro customers

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    A power outage affecting several spots in Prince Rupert and Port Edward has left over 8020 BC Hydro customers without electricity on July 8.

    The outage began at 3:33 p.m. in some areas of Prince Rupert and electricity is yet to be restored as of 4:09 p.m.

    The outage resulted from a transmission circuit failure and BC Hydro is further investigating the cause, said Dave Mosure, northern community relations manager.

    Crews have been assigned to the sites, however there is no estimated time yet as to when power will be restored, said Mosure.


    Article information

    Author: Jennifer Stafford

    Last Updated: 1703429521

    Views: 997

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    Author information

    Name: Jennifer Stafford

    Birthday: 1950-12-08

    Address: 7255 Dougherty Forge, Chanfurt, DC 35396

    Phone: +4347888730793336

    Job: Nurse

    Hobby: Chocolate Making, Bowling, Survival Skills, Pottery, Cooking, Drone Flying, Hiking

    Introduction: My name is Jennifer Stafford, I am a receptive, resolute, unguarded, Adventurous, courageous, proficient, transparent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.